This application was delivered to The University of Southampton's School of Psychology, to allow them to conduct patient quality of life assessments, in-the-field at Southampton General Hospital.

Project Summary
I delivered a browser-based voice administered questionnaire system, that supports questionnaires in multiple languages. The questionnaires include interactive animations, context specific audio and sound effects, and function across the vast majority of touch devices, desktops, iPhones and iPads.
The following are screenshots from the delivered application:

The project requirements were as follows:
- That the questionnaires work out-of-the-box on touch-screen devices, as well as laptops and PCs.
- To be able to support audio and text in multiple languages.
- Provide a simple administration interface for setting up each questionnaire.
- Save participant data back to a centalised server for later analysis
- Provide interfaces for viewing and downloading participant data.
- Align with the existing data structures currently used by the research team.
I leveraged current native browser technologies such as Web Audio, Canvas, Javascript, HTML5, and CSS3 in order to achieve a system that was accessible to as wide a range of devices as possible.